ISHØJ HEGN A/S under new ownership
Press Release, December 2, 2024 – In English
One of the industry’s most experienced players acquires ISHØJ HEGN A/S. The ownership transfer is part of a generational shift, where ISHØJ HEGN A/S is taken over by Thomas Bentsen, who thereby expands his portfolio of companies within fencing, gates, and security.
Today marks a significant day in the Danish fencing industry. With the sale to Thomas Bentsen, who already owns PIT Hegn A/S in Ringe, Funen, the future of ISHØJ HEGN is secured in Danish hands.
The two fencing companies, both strong players in the Danish market, will continue as two independent sister companies. There are no plans to merge ISHØJ HEGN and PIT Hegn. The organization at ISHØJ HEGN will remain unchanged with the current CEO, Jens Viggo Rasmussen, and all employees. The strong competencies already present at ISHØJ HEGN will form the basis for the future strategy.
The previous owners of ISHØJ HEGN are pleased that the sale is now a reality.
“ISHØJ HEGN A/S has always been an owner-managed company, and that will continue. We have assessed that Thomas Bentsen, with his experience as an owner-manager and deep industry knowledge, can provide the necessary owner resources for the company. This will strengthen the company’s market position while preserving the culture and values that have been built over many years,” says Clement Petersen, owner representative and outgoing vice-chairman of the board of ISHØJ HEGN.
Going forward, Thomas Bentsen (TBCN Holding A/S) will be the sole owner of ISHØJ HEGN A/S and will assume the role of chairman of the board.
“I am excited that we are now embarking on a shared future, where we can serve the market with two strong and independent brands in fencing, gates, and security. Many people recognize the blue Ishøj sign, which can be found on countless fences, gates, and doors across the country, and our goal is to showcase ISHØJ HEGN even more and take the company to new heights. With the development we have created at PIT Hegn, we are well-equipped for the task,” says Thomas Bentsen.
Through roles as owner-manager, CEO, and former sales and marketing director, Thomas Bentsen has gained a broad range of skills in leadership and sales across various industries, with a focus on creating growth and developing organizations.
ISHØJ HEGN A/S has roots dating back to 1919. Over four generations, the Miilmann Petersen family has developed the family business from a wire factory into one of Denmark’s most recognized players in fencing and security.
The acquisition is officially effective from November 29, 2024.
For further information, contact Thomas Bentsen at or mobile 51976323. – In English
Vi har rødder tilbage til 1919, og har mange spændende årtier bag os. Det, der startede som Den Danske Trådvarefabrik, er i dag den eneste tilbageværende virksomhed i Danmark, der har egenproduktion af trådhegn. Vi producerer over 200 tons om året på vores adresse i Ishøj.
De fleste kender det blå ISHØJ-skilt, der sidder på utallige hegn og porte. Det er din garanti for høj kvalitet, god service og lang levetid.
Vi sikrer mennesker og værdier! Et udsagn, der forpligter, men som også sætter rammen for, hvad du kan forvente af ISHØJ HEGN A/S – både som kunde, medarbejder, samarbejdspartner og samfund.
Vi er mere end 60 passionerede medarbejdere, der arbejder i hele Danmark.